Kitesurfen Achtung: Bitte Vorgaben beachten! |
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#1 |
Registriert seit: 08/2003
Beiträge: 76
Hier gibts was zum üben
![]() PKRA Trickliste 2003 TRICK LIST AS OF MAY 2003 REGULAR JUMPS: ----------------------- Jump and hang from the bar while hooked in Jump and hang from the bar unhooked Jump one handed Jump no handed jump with 180c° rotatation of the lower body back to regular (SHIFTY) Jump with board poked above the head with ass pointed down (BONED) or (SNOOPY) Jump taking one foot out of the strap extending that legg (JUDO AIR) Judo air with straightened legg kicked one and other side of board (NAC NAC) Jump taking both feet out holding the board at the rail or at a handle (SUPERMAN) Jump taking board by handle to 360c° spin (SUPERMAN BOARD SPIN) or (WHIZARD) Jump taking board off passing it behind the back (BOARD BEHIND THE BACK) or (BOARD PASS) Jump taking board by tail/finns rotate to rail (SUPERMAN BOARD VARIAL) or (VARIAL) Jump taking board by rail spin 360c° to same rail (SUPERMAN TIC TAC) (CHECK IF HANDLE IS BEEING USED ANY TIME DURING BOARD OFF TRICKS) INVERTED JUMPS:board above the head -------------------------------------------------------- Jump with board poked above the head straight (STIFFY) Jump with the board above the head board rotated the opposite way (TABLE TOP) jump with the board above the head board rotated the opposite way back foot rotated over the front foot (REVERSE TABLE TOP) Jump while pushing both feet against the bar pussing hips through, tillting head back (CONIPTION) Jump while straight upsite down letting go of both hands (DEADMAN) Jump with rotatation of the body through the lines over the bar (PIT BULL) Jump with board above the back of the head by arching your back (RALEY) Raley with 90c° twister toward the water (911) Raley with front hand grab heel side (HOOCHIE GLIDE) Raley with back hand grab heel side (OTHER HAND HOOCHIE GLIDE) or (O.H.H.) Toe side hoochie glide (BATWING) (CHECK IF TRICKS ARE DONE HOOKED IN OR UNHOOKED!) (IMPORTAND, THE HIGHT OF THE KITE AND THE SPEED) Jump taking board off (SUPERMAN) and kicking feet straight up in the air (HART ATTACK) Riding taking feet off grabing the handle and kicking feet straight up (IRON) or (CRAZY CRANE) (CHECK IF THE HANDLE IS BEEING USED AT ANY TIME DURING BOARD OF STUFF) Jump both hands grab board heel side arching back (SQUIRREL) Jump while looping the kite so the body is above the kite at one point in the jump (KITE LOOP) ROTATIONAL SPIN TRICKS: board is below the head during rotatation! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jump while lead shoulder initiates rotation downwind. (FRONT SPIN, 360c°, 720c°, 1080c° etc.) Jump while lead shoulder initiates rotation downwind landing after 180c°, 540c° etc, (...TO BLIND), (BLIND SLIDE) Jump while lead shoulder initiates rotation upwind (BACK SPIN, 360c°, 720c° etc.) Jump while lead sholder initiates rotation after 180c°, 540c° etc, (...TO TOE SIDE, TO REVERT) Jump low altitude front or back rotation (FLAT SPIN...) Jump front spin and back spin in one move (REWIND......DOUBLE, TRIPLE etc.) ROTATIONAL INVERTED : board is above head during rotation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jump while lead shoulder initiates rotation downwind while trowing the head down and the feet up above the head (FRONT ROLL, FRONT LOOP, FRONT FLIP) Jump while lead shoulder initiates rotation upwind while trowing the head down and the feet up above the head (BACK ROLL, BACK LOOP, BACK FLIP) Starting heelside, landing toe side (BACK ROLL TO REVERT) Straightning both leggs while upsitedown in the rotation (STIFFY FRONT ROLL, STIFFY BACK ROLL) Stretched back roll (TANTRUM) Also describt as Back flip body first in the direction of the take off Toe side front roll to revert (SCARECROW) Raley with a rotation over head (S-BEND) S-bend landing to revert (VULCAN) Toe side raley with a 540c° rotation (OH REALLY) Raley to blind (BLIND JUDGE) GRABS: regular grabs ---------------------------- Front hand grabs around the front of the board (NOSE GRAB) Front hand grabs heel edge of the board above the front foot (METHOD ) Front hand grabs heel edge of the board in between the feet (MELONCHOLLY) Front hand grabs toe edge of the board above the front foot (MUTE GRAB) Back hand grabs around the tail of the board (TAIL GRAB) Back hand grabs the toe edge of the board inbetween the feet (INDY) Back hand grabs the heel edge of the board behind the back foot (STALEFISH) Back hand grabs the heel edge of the board between the feet (CHICKEN SALAD) or (ROAST BEEF) HANDLEPASSES: ----------------------- slide 360c° on the water while handle passing (SURFACE HANDLE PAS) Jump 360c° spin while handle passing (AIR HANDLE PASS) Raley with a handle pass on the way down during 360c° spin (3.13) Back roll with 360c° rotation to handle pass on the way down (AIR MOBIUS) or (MOBE) Tantrum with 360c° over head handle pass (TWEETYBIRD) Mobe with a blind 360c° rotation handle pass (KGB) Toe side back roll to front side 360c° handle pass on the way down (PETE ROSE) Switch stance pete rose (X MOBE) Toe side front roll with a 360c° rotation to handle pass on the way down (SCARECROW MOBE) Switchstance crow mobe (SKEEZER) Toe side front flip with a 540c° rotation over head with a handle pass (BIG WORM) Toe side front flip with a handle pass while upside down to heel side landing (FRUIT LOOP) Heel side front flip with a 360c° rotation while handle pass upsite down (SLIM CHANCE) (HANDLE PASSES PERFORMED WITH THE KITE LOW ARE ALOT MORE DIFFICULT!) (HIGH HANDLE PASSES GRABING BOTH HANDS ARE MORE DIFFICULT THEN GRABING JUST ONE HAND AND LOOPING THE KITE!) (CHECK GRABS BEFORE HP AND GRABS AFTER HP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- !!!!!lLOADS OF JUMPS/TRICKS CAN ME COMBINED WITH EACHOTHER!!!!! !!!!!WHIPPED TRICKS: (called whip tricks cause you "whip the kite" the opposite direction) Whip tricks are defined as tricks performed when the kite is forced to the edge of the window by steering it in the opposite direction which the rider is headed. The trick is performed using the riders speed and momentum to pop off the water as opposed to the kite pulling the rider off the water from directly over head. Whiped tricks can be done unhooked!!!!! note, all whip tricks can be performed by downlooping the kite instead of whipping it over head. It is more difficult to downloop the kite!!!!!! !!!!! No whiped tricks: are way more difficult because the kite is not over head when performed. Power kiting!!!!! The PKRA World Tour will be judged by overall impression, taking into consideration: 1. Technical Difficulty 2. Height 3. Smoothnes 4. Power 5. Style. Technical Difficulty 1. Jumps with grabs are technical more difficult than regular jumps. 2. Judo jumps (one footed jumps) are technical more difficult than regular jumps. 3. Air handle passes are technical more difficult than surface handle passes. 4. Jumping of Toe side is technical more difficult than jumping of heel side. 5. Landing to Toe side is technical more difficult than landing to heel side. 6. Jumping and/or landing to blind side is technical more difficult than # 4 and 5. 7. Off axis jumps increase the difficulty. 8. Inverted jumps increase difficulty. 9. The number of rotations increases the difficulty. 10. Board off jumps increase the difficulty. 11. Board off jumps that rotate board increase difficulty. 12. Board off jumps grabbing the rail instead of the handle increase difficulty. 13. Board off jumps with periods of no contact with board increase difficulty. 14. Jumping with the kite in the power zone increases the difficulty. 15. Landing with the kite in the power zone increases the difficulty. 16. Looping the kite while jumping increases the difficulty. 17. Combinations of all above increase difficulty. Other aspects 1. Repetition of moves on the same tack will decrease your chance to win your heat. 2. Consistent bad landings and falls will decrease your chance to win your heat. 3. Out of control jumps will decrease your chance to win your heat. 4. Ability to perform moves on both tacks will increase your chance to win your heat. 5. Pushing the limits under control will increase your chance to win your heat. 6. Innovation will increase your chance to win your heat. The goal is to reward the more complete rider. The one that can perform the best variety of low altitude technical power moves, as well as a variety of high altitude floating, board off, inverted rotations tricks. Judges will have a shorthand notation for taking brief notes of the moves performed during the heats, but will not assign jumps a numerical value in their notes! They will also write a short note with an explanation of their judgment after the heat is over. They will concentrate more on watching the heat then on their writing the moves down! The head judge will be able to understand the short hand notes of the individual judges and will be able to explain judgment to the riders after the event! this is information about how to judge a pkra event! there will be a judging clinic the day or night before the contest starts about the folowing points! if after reading this you have questions you can ask them at that clinic! but before that day you should practise as much as possible! *first of all you should watch lots of kite boarding eather at your local kite spot or watch videos! a good thing to watch will be the judging training videos on the pkra web side! *we will be judging at an over-all-impression! we need to know who won and who lost, or a 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place! the following points will help you with this! *we want you to make short hand notice of every heat you judge, which is not easy but definitly possible! THIS IS SOMETHING YOU'LL HAVE TO PRACTISE! first you should check out the trick list that we send you with this email! it will be a list with a shorthand note behind the moves! it's not that you would have to copy this exactly, you can make your own code as well as long as the head judge understands what you're writing! and you can look back afterwards as well and still know what you wrote! *while judging a heat you should from the beginning on have your 1st place guy 2nd, 3rd and 4th! if rider A trows a good move and lands it and the other riders haven't preformed yet he's in 1st! then everytime durring a heat you check for your self who's 1st, 2nd etc.! yes it can happen that you have a tie between 2 riders up till the last 30 secconds and it's still like that up till the heat is over! you still will have to give them a ranking, so thats when you can look back at your sheet and see what happened also at the beginning and after going over that decide who won and who lost! this decision should be coming only from you! there's no talking about a previouse heat before all sheets are handed in to the head judge!!! during a heat there should be as less as possible talking between judges, but you can ask about a move if you missed a part of it! *while judging a heat you should only be interested in the riders you're judging! be focused on them! if there's any thing going on on the water that you think shouldn't be happening you ask about it with the head judge, while you stay on judging! if there've been any obstructions or crashes between 2 riders the head judge might ask you what you've seen and base a decision on it from that.....like re riding a heat or disqualifying a rider! *while judging a heat you have to understand what is going on! check out the judging guide lines with explanations that we send you with this email as well! you have to understand what is harder and what is easier! very importand is that we want quality and not quantity! watch for little details! it takes a well trained eye to spot them, but it can make a rider win or loose a heat! don't listen to a speaker who might call a wrong trick. don't call out names of tricks while judging as well, cause it might confuse other judges! there might be a spotter behind the judges, but he'll be only spotting and not calling the tricks! *after a heat is done and you've made your decision you have to get ready for the next heat! you have to spot your guys on the water before the next heat starts!! so it's good to talk with the other judges and check with them if they have their kiters spoted! there should be also information from a beach marchall, a race director or the head judge to figure this out! but again, make sure you do this before the next heat starts! after you given your judging sheets to the head judge, you made your decision and only if you think you might have made a mistake like writing the names the wrong way arround you can ask back for your sheet! your decision about that heat has been made!! stick with it! *no talking after a heat is over to other riders, press, or organisers about a single heat! if riders want to know about a particular heat they can talk to the head judge about it, not direct to any of the judges! the head judge might ask you to explain a certain desicion, but in privat and only to you!!! no talking about other judges decisions to riders, press, or organisers! if you have any questions about any judging meathers you should go to the head judge or better to the individual judge in question! never talk bad about anybody behind the back! judging a quilifier we normaly try to keep the heat down to 4 people at the same time! dependable there might be one, two or even tree riders advance to the main event or to a next round of qualifier! this will be decided by the head judge and the race director! the main event will be judged, the first round with 4 riders, 5 judging which 2 riders advance! after the first round it will get to man to man where 3 judges judge 2 riders and 2 other judges, judging 2 other riders! the winner of each heat advances! the semi final and the final there will be only 2 riders out on the water and there we'll have 5 or 7 judges judging the 2 riders! *there might also be a best trick competition, a big air comp. or a hang time competition! how they'll be run we will find out before they start it! but also these comps are very important to the riders and the pkra, so keep your concentration on it! *sometimes the competition will go on for hours at a time and we have to stay concentrated for it! make sure you're dressed warm enough for it, that you can get some shade, that you have enough to drink, that you used the bath room before....etc! it's not easy to judge! it's very intresting to do though! but feel sure about doing it! and just think of it this way! IT'S ALL FOR THE LOVE OF THE SPORT!! hope to see you at the next event! CREW DIRECTIVES Following situations that have arisen at recent contest, a few basic directives have been drawn up to remind crewmembers of the basic core skills of being a member of the contest committee. I do realise that to the majority of the crew this will already be second nature but it does not hurt to reinforce existing skills! 1. DECISION MAKING: Judging decisions are made in a very short space of time and without the benefit of hindsight. Having made a decision a judge must stand by it, based on the information available at the time the dicision was made. The luxury of hindsight or further information may cast doubt on the decision but this is not important and not relevant as it was not available at the time. It does not make the decision wrong!!! 2. RESPONSE TO COMPETITORS: If approached by a competitor, crewmembers should respond in a calm, detached, professional manner! They should not react to insult or aggression and should keep all responses limited to fact and not personal opinion. If a competitor becomes abusive or aggressive then a crew member should not respond, but simply walk away and refer the incident to the relevant member of the committee (head judge and/or race director) for possible disciplinary action. Crew should avoid being drawn into discussions as it will not change the situation and it's practically impossible to avoid contradicting yourself and therefore strengthening the argument. quite simple; stick to the facts!! 3. TELEVISION FOOTAGE: Competitors and crew members shall refrain from viewing television footage during a contest, as it is not official and not relevant. Decisions are made withoutthe use of video footage and therefore they will not be overturned based on it either. any matter that a competitor feels requires further investigation should be referred to the PKRA- rep. who may in turn look at the video evidence available. This is not for the purposes of over turning a decision, but purely to ensure that if there are inaccurate decisions made, that all efforts are made to prevent a recurrence! 4. DURING COMPETITION: Where possible, competitors will be prohibited from aproaching the judges, and head judge directly and all queries or complaints will be directed to the race director who after a heat or after the contest is over, will talk to the head judge about the matter. This prevents situations where there are allegations of "he who shouts loudest wins" and should help the judges concentration! 5. AT THE EVENT IN GENERAL: The PKRA tour is one of the few professional sporting arenas where the crew work and live so closely with the competitors, this is true of kiteboarding at most levels. It is not a situation that is avoidable as we are often constrained by budgets and sponsorship with regard to food, accomodation, travelling etc., therefore many of us have friends on the tour! for this reason, crew members should be particularly aware of all the above points outside of working hours also, particularly with regard to discussing current events, whether it be at dinner, in the bar, or at official functions! CREW MEMBERS MUST ENDEAVOUR TO MAINTAIN PROFESSIONAL DISTANCE AT ALL TIMES AND BY ADHERING TO THE ABOVE GUIDELINES THIS SHOULD NOT BE TO DIFFICULT! IT CAN BE A HARD JOB! BUT SOMEBODY HAS TO DO IT!!!!!!!!! IT'S ALL FOR THE LOVE OF KITEBOARDING! ENJOY IT! |
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#2 |
Registriert seit: 07/2003
Ort: Radevormwald
Beiträge: 1.615
aber Spass machen darfs auch noch? Hab im Urlaub auf Texel ein wenig Kevin Langree gefilmt und zugesehen. Der hatte die Liste aber nicht irgendwo rumhängen.(?) Aber ihm schiens Spass zu machen.... |
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#3 | |
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![]() fehlen da nicht "backward-into blind-landings"? super Liste, danke zet Tom |
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#4 |
Frei Zeit Keiter :o)
Registriert seit: 06/2002
Ort: Tarifa - Renesse - Fehmarn
Beiträge: 4.200
daran merkt man dass man alt wird.
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#5 |
Beiträge: n/a
nicht wird, IST...
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#6 | |
Registriert seit: 10/2003
Beiträge: 119
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#7 | ||
Beiträge: n/a
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#8 |
Registriert seit: 12/2001
Ort: meist im womo :)
Beiträge: 14.391
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ey sorry, abä das kann ich alles schon.
gibs nix neues? |
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PKRA Final in Fortaleza , Brasilien hier Bilder | kitesurfing-universe | Kitesurfen | 2 | 29.11.2004 13:46 |
neue Videos: PKRA Austria, RRD 2004, Light Wind Killerz | kiteforum.com | Kitesurfen | 2 | 11.05.2004 15:47 |
PKRA Brasilien -wo war das? | Kitermonti | Kitesurfen | 7 | 24.01.2004 11:54 |
altersbeschränkung bei der PKRA | Lousurf | Kitesurfen | 5 | 03.10.2003 20:00 |
PKRA Kiteboarding Worldcup Cabarete auf Eurosport / YOZ | niko | Kitesurfen | 8 | 08.09.2003 11:17 |