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Kitesurfen Achtung: Bitte Vorgaben beachten!

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Alt 25.03.2013, 09:40   #1
Registriert seit: 03/2013
Beiträge: 36
Standard Invitation for Spring Jamboree - season opening in El Gouna, Egypt

Spring Jamboree 5 – 12 April 2013 RedSeaZone - El Gouna

For those bored with winter time, snow and freeze we've prepared special kitesurfing season opening. Spring Jamboree organized by RedSeaZone is a new event and it will take place from 5th to 12th April.

We would like to gather all kite enthusiasts in mentioned term and fill the Egyptian sky with kites. We've prepared kite races, freestyle jam, free pro camps with professional instructors and some non-kite attractions such as Go Carts races, football match between Europe and Egypt, grand beach parties... We hope you will visit us crowdly and we all will all have a lot of fun with starting kitesurfing season together!

Kacper - RedSeaZone
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Name:	plakat spring jamboree_newsletter2.jpg
Hits:	103
Größe:	106,7 KB
ID:	36816  
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