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Alt 10.02.2016, 19:52   #1
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Standard ZEEKO Alloy Foil Gen2 2016 black & white edition


Kurze INFO zum Foil Material für 2016

Für alle die es noch nicht mitbekommen haben, geht ZEEKO mit dem Alu Foil in die 2te Generation.


Das Pocket Board gibt es jetzt noch in der Limited Edition als MINI Pocket:

108 x 46 cm
Thickness = 30 mm
Rocker line with more head rocker : more control when the board touches the water and during extrem carvings
WEIGHT 2.5Kg (+/-10%)


Zeeko department designed a brand new foil in the 2016 range : an alloy foil with the best quality/price ratio.
After winning all the magazine tests in 2015, the new 2016 Alloy Hydrofoil pushes the limit of the quality and the rigidity.
The front and back wings of the alloy foil are inspired by the shape of the Carbon Series, allowing to increase the performance of its foil by simply changing mast and fuselage.
The alloy foil is fully removable, comes with carry strengthened case, protecting each element of the foil, allowing easy storage and transport.

What's new in 2016:

- New Design of the fuselage
The 2016 Zeeko Hydrofoil introduces a new design of the fuselage with a simplified connection to the wings and the mast. Thanks to a new technology of CNC, It offers a more hydrodynamical profile decreasing the drag of the fuselage at low speed.
The fuselage is even easier to be assembled, the 2 plastics connectors to the wings are deleted.
Also the fuselage is made with a new aluminium alloy which gives more rigidity, then more control at high speed and during turns.

- New plate
The Foil is suitable to all board of the market with inserts and rails.
Also the plate is made with a new aluminium alloy which gives more rigidity to the plate, then more control at high speed and during turns.

- New wings
Wings are full G10 made with a new milling process more accurate and providing a better finishing . The wings are super strong and rigid. The wings are durable and the hydrofoil easy to control.

Watch the technical informations


The alloy foil has a very good speed potential, thanks to its stability.
Highly scalable, you will learn the foil and improve without being limited by its performance.
ACCESSIBILITY & freeride / Ideal for beginners
Here are the advantages of using alloy foil instead of a carbon foil, in order to learn how to control a foil :
- The mast is 10 cm shorter than carbon foil ; the balance will be easier to find than a long mast
- The yaw effect is less felt = you get more control
(To illustrate the yaw effect, look a foil by the top and imagine the back wing wing from right to left, with fixed point the front wing)
- The speed is more controllable.
- The price among the lowest in the market without losing quality, is a decisive argument for novices.

High quality alloy. Rigidity and corrosion resistance.
The two parts are anodized and painted, offering double protection.
DIMENSIONS Length 90 cm Thickness 15 mm

Profile designed for maximum comfort and stability
The shape of these two wings allows the supports are balanced between the front and back leg, and that whatever the speed.
100% G10: durability and rigidity

This fin provides greater stability, reducing the yaw effect. The distance between the screws is the same as on twin tip boards.
Use with a fin > 3.5 cm = ideal for beginners and racers (yaw control, stability) Use with a fin < 3.0 cm = ideal for use in the waves
4.0cm fin supplied with the alloy foil.

100% G10: durability and rigidity

The aluminum parts are anodized and painted, offering double protection. The aluminum used is the most resistant to salt water.
It is recommended to use the T gel for the screws, supplied when buying.

Bei Fragen einfach melden:
Borste ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28.12.2016, 17:32   #2
Registriert seit: 08/2004
Beiträge: 100


wird es 2017 ein Einsteiger Carbon Foil von ZEEKO geben?
Marthaeng ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten


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