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Kite-/Surfvideos Kitesurfen, Snow-/Landkiten, Windsurfen, Wellenreiten, Hydrofoil, SUP

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Alt 19.01.2025, 11:51   #1
Uwe Schröder
Registriert seit: 07/2004
Ort: Mückendorf
Beiträge: 3.517
Standard Manera - The end of the world - Movie - EN

Maxime Chabloz is a Seafarer, a man of the sea, a versatile athlete and a lover of the wind and watersport. Often surrounded by the ocean and other enthusiasts, this time he decides to go alone on a unique journey to the end of the world.
It quickly becomes an introspective journey punctuated only by timely encounters with other lovers of the water former lighthouse keepers and their descendants. People who, like him, are all united by a life dedicated to the sea.
The End of the World is not just a voyage to the end of the world. It's also an ode to the sea, and a reflection on the true essence of seafaring life.
Director: Anthony Lietart
Production: MANERA
Producers: Julien Salles, Lucie Denjean, Hugo Badaroux
Executive producer: Lucie Denjean
Art director: Alizé Bode
Graphic designer: Solène Prilleux
Mix and sound design: Mix & Mouse
Photography: Matt Georges
Color grading & editing: Anthony Lietart
Additional footage: Robin Aussenac
Copywriter: Christina Marmet
Voice Over: Maxime Chabloz
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