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Ventum Ventum ist offline



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  1. Ventum
    07.01.2024 08:43
    Hi Martin,

    First the big-air goes through the development program which closes end of next week. you can check ventumkiteboarding.com/dp-ba if you still wish to participate.

    The kites will be as good as final but shipped by air etc and people will receive some bridle settings to test and provide their opinion about.

    End of April all info should be collected and Big-Air goes in serial production which means around the start of Q4 its on stock.
  2. captain99
    06.01.2024 20:23
    Hi Seb,
    when do you exspect the launch of the big air kite? Will be similar to a Rebel?
    The Xplore V3 AS looks also really interesting...
    Greetings from Austria


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  • Letzte Aktivität: 12.09.2024 08:38
  • Registriert seit: 11.09.2019
  • Empfehlungen: 0

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